Solutions French - Norwegian - Portuguese - CRM 2015 OnPrem - NAV 2018

6 product(s) found
Standard reports
Item No. 1014
Get started quickly with a set of standard reports.
Report designer
Item No. 1015
Easy-to-use tool for creating and modifying reports.
Report converter
Item No. 1016
Convert C/SIDE reports to the RDLC format.
Inventory control
Item No. 1028
Inventory control with a ROI in just one year!
Audit File FAIA Localization for Luxembourg
Item No. 1053
Be compliant with the requirements of the local tax authority.
Pimics - Allium
Item No. 1118
Build up the Single Point of Truth for your product data in your ERP. Import data from your suppliers, enrich it using PIMICS and synchronize it with your marketing & sales channels.